Forks & Fork Racks

Our specialty is FORKS!

We produce and supply many different styles of forks, as well as inspecting and testing of used forks. We can also supply or rebuild your fork mast and carriage.

To get a quote on forks, please fill out our Fit It / Fax It Worksheet and fax it to us at 705-327-1607 or email to


  • Sizes range from 1.5″ x 3″ x 36″ to 4″ x 18″ x 96″
  • Fork styles include: shaft mounted, ITA Hook Forks, Lumber Forks, Bolt-on Forks, and Low Profile Forks
  • Load tests and magnaflux particle tests

Fork Racks

  • Repairs and modifications to all makes and models
  • Manufacture of fork racks
  • Certified repairs available

Other Products

  • Fork extensions
  • Specially designed forks such as Marine Forks
  • Bale or carpet spears